Tuesday 29 October 2019

Arduino Basic (Zig-Zag) Line Follower

Hello all, below is our first robot (A line follower), using actual electronics components. The electronics components which we used are:

1. Ardino microcontroller
2. DC motors - 2
3. L293D - V1 motor driver shield
4. Infra-red object sensors - 2

This is the first version of the line follower program. Slowly, we have to modify it in such a way that, we do not see / feel the jerks.

The programming logic is, if the robot is on white surface, turn the motors to bring it on black surface. And if it is on the black surface, bring it on the white surface. Therefore, the robot moves in a zig-zag manner.

Hope you will also enjoy the video and let me know if you have any questions...

The Circuit Diagram for the Car Robot is given below

The code for the Line Follower is given below


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